Nine Months Already?!

It’s hard to believe, but Macallister is 9 months old. That’s right; he’s officially been on the outside longer than he was on the inside. It’s amazing to reflect on how many incredible experiences we’ve shared so far. It feels like it was just a couple weeks ago that we were bringing him home for the first time. I remember those first few nights getting up every 10 minutes and walking over to him to make sure he was still breathing. I couldn’t believe they let us newbie parents leave the hospital with him! The days and nights since have all seemed to go by in some sort of really fast blur and here we are 9 months later. It’s been fun to watch him learn and develop his own personality. Every milestone has been exciting and I’ve found myself consistently saying “this is my favorite age” for every age so far. From the time his first smiles, to when he started being awake more than he slept, to his first rollover, and all of his interactions with the dog, it’s been so much fun. Now he is crawling all around the house and pulling himself up and standing, and making all the noises he possibly can, and smiling so big and proud of himself which each new thing he learns. But what really gets me is the way he reacts when he sees mommy and daddy. Both in the morning when he wakes up, or when I arrive to take him home from daycare, he gets a huge smile, kicks his feet and waives his arms and makes a loud, excited “ahhhhhhhh.” My heart literally melts every single time! I cannot get over how this little miracle of a boy makes me feel every single day. It really, truly is amazing how you don’t realize how you could possibly love someone so much, until you have a child. He’s the inspiration for everything now. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love you little man, and I look forward to every minute that I get to spend with you!

Mac 9 months

Side note: He was actually 9 months old on Monday, but who really has time to write a blog post with a 9 month old!

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