Look who’s one! 

I simply cannot believe that our little miracle Macallister is already one year old.  It’s been an incredible adventure so far and continues to get better each day.  Each milestone he’s reached has been so enjoyable for us.  And we’ve reached a milestone too, we’ve been parents for a year! (Well actually 1 year 10 days and 6 hours, but who’s counting..) 

We decided a while back that we wanted to throw Mac a birthday party and it needed to be an event.  After finding out it was Cookie Monster themed, I knew it would be the party of the year. After all, you only turn 1 once, right?  Plus, we figured it was a really good excuse to try to get to see all of the people we’ve unintentionally neglected over the last year.  

Here’s Mac enjoying his smash cake! 

Raise your hand if you’re turning One today!

I got to celebrate my birthday at day care too! Thanks Amy and Carol! -Mac

It truly has been the most incredible year of our lives and we cannot imagine anything better.  Mac is our entire world and we love him so very much! We cannot wait to see what this next year brings for this special little guy! Happy birthday Macallister!